The Greatest Myth Propagated About The FED: Central Bank Independence (Part 2)
In this blog we look at the myth of Fed independence from its creator, the Congress and from the Treasury.
In this blog we look at the myth of Fed independence from its creator, the Congress and from the Treasury.
It has been commonplace to speak of central bank independence—as if it were both a reality and a necessity…
Gold-standard thinking is inapplicable to a sovereign, currency-issuing government operating under flexible exchange rates.
Let’s stop pretending that replacing a budget constraint with an inflation constraint is so hard.
If progressives would just make the effort to inform themselves how a modern, sovereign fiat currency actually functions, they’d realize “paying for it” is actually the easiest part.
The truth about federal finance used to be common household knowledge, maybe it should be again.
So, who is responsible for this fiasco? Or for the last one? Or the next? Any reasonable person can see that the present system is untenable.
Inadequate access to nutrition is a problem Americans can solve. It’s time to shut down the false narratives about pay-fors that keep solutions out of reach.