Articles from Our Community

Who Would You Hench For?
Zeta Violet Koloskzi
In comic books, wealth is a superpower. Superheroes and villains can perform super-powered acts of labor, or they have access to other people’s labor.

What Does a Banana Taste Like?
Zeta Violet Koloskzi
Every subject always comes back to the struggle between labor and capital, even bananas.

Lenin Was A Mushroom
Zeta Violet Koloskzi
Mushrooms are a way to symbolize nature’s interconnectedness. Leninism is the study of the interconnectedness of nature.

Is a Flag Worth Fighting For?
Zeta Violet Koloskzi
Symbols of an oppressive empire need to be discarded. The masses can’t rally behind a banner that excludes them.

Can You Change the World?
Zeta Violet Koloskzi
It almost feels like there will never be a revolution, but that’s exactly what every ruling class has said about every revolution.

Today Is Tomorrow’s Yesterday
Zeta Violet Koloskzi
The world is changing right before our eyes. Not only can we guide that transformation, but our very presence in that change means we control its direction.

Is Capitalism Eternal?
Zeta Violet Koloskzi
Change isn’t limited to activists; it happens when people read and show up when needed. Anyone can make a difference in their community, and that small change might be the catalyst for something bigger.

Queer Communist
Zeta Violet Koloskzi
“True freedom can only be where there is no exploitation and oppression of one person by another; where there is not unemployment, and where a person is not living in fear of losing his job, his home and his bread.”

Obamacare and the Science of Prolonged Decay
Karen Caligiuri
The failure of a health care “reform” fostered within the blight of the capitalist model reveals how incrementalism cannot solve the most formidable ecological and social crises of our day.