Lars Schall

Lars Schall

Lars Schall was born on August 31, 1974 in Herdecke an der Ruhr. Among other things, he studied journalism at the Universities of Dortmund and Knoxville, Tennessee in the USA. He is a freelance financial journalist specializing in oil, precious metals, the monetary system and geopolitics. He publishes on ASIA TIMES ONLINE and CONSORTIUMNEWS, among others. He also works as a translator of financial and business texts. Lars Schall lives in the Ruhr area and can be found online at
landscape viewed through a camera lens held by a person's hand

Defining the Modern Monetary Theory

The US-economist Warren Mosler belongs to the protagonists of the Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). What MMT means? In the following exclusive interview he gives an answer to this as well as to the Fed’s quantative easing, how money comes actually into existence, and the crisis of the euro.

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view of architecture inside federal reserve bank

Truths and Myths of the Federal Reserve

Is the Federal Reserve an almighty-like “creature” or rather extremely limited in its essential operations? L. Randall Wray, an expert on monetary policy, answers questions with regard to the Fed and central banks in general.

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