MMP Blog #46: The Job Guarantee – Program Manageability
Problems will be encountered in any real world JG program, but what must always be kept in mind is that the alternative—unemployment—is, arguably, far more socially wasteful.
Problems will be encountered in any real world JG program, but what must always be kept in mind is that the alternative—unemployment—is, arguably, far more socially wasteful.
A sovereign nation operating with its own currency in a floating exchange rate regime can always financially afford an JG/ELR program. So long as there are workers who are ready and willing to work.
Our claim is that the economy with a Job Guarantee will be more stable than one without the Job Guarantee.
A JG or ELR program is one in which government promises to make a job available to any qualifying individual who is ready and willing to work.
Some have called it slavery; others accuse supporters of fascism or communism. Some claim we want to destroy the safety net. Others say we want to destroy capitalism.