New Economic Perspectives
MMP Blog #44: The Job Guarantee and Macro Stability
Our claim is that the economy with a Job Guarantee will be more stable than one without the Job Guarantee.
MMP Blog #43: Job Guarantee Basics: Design and Advantages
A JG or ELR program is one in which government promises to make a job available to any qualifying individual who is ready and willing to work.
MMP Blog #42: Introduction to the Job Guarantee or Employer of Last Resort
Some have called it slavery; others accuse supporters of fascism or communism. Some claim we want to destroy the safety net. Others say we want to destroy capitalism.
MMP Blog #41: MMT for Austrians Part 4: Is Description Without Theory, Ideology or Policy Desirable? Is it Even Possible?
The answer to both questions posed in the title is, I think, a big fat no.
MMP Blog #40: MMT for Austrians 3: How Do YOU Propose We Deal with the Elderly, Disabled and their Debts?
As Carney and others lay their proposals out on the table so that we can see what kind of government they want, the reaction by most people is sheer horror.