New Economic Perspectives Collection
A growing archive of posts from all your favorite MMT greats, republished with permission from the original New Economic Perspectives blog.
Please excuse any broken links or layout changes, we’re working hard to get everything corrected, up to date and optimized for ease of use. Thanks!

Do Bond Sales & Borrowing Finance US Deficit Spending?
Professor L. Randall Wray responds to this question and debunks the misunderstandings and fallacies surrounding…

Towards a Libertarian/Austrian Modern Money Theory
Any time there is an MMT post, the comments are dominated by conspiracy theorists, haters…

16 Reasons Matt Yglesias is Wrong about the Job Guarantee vs. Basic Income
Yes, sending a check to people is not as “messy,” but let’s stop pretending that…

Tax Bads, Not Goods
Once we understand what taxes are “for”, we can start to think about what kinds…

An Alternative Meme for Money: Conclusion
The monetary system provides the power to do good, and the power to do bad…

An Alternative Meme For Money, Part 7: Framing Deficits
A government deficit will result if the nongovernment sector has a surplus—a perfectly sustainable balance.