The New Untouchables
Real Progressives and the creators of “The Con” present a new series, “The New Untouchables: The Pecora Files,” meticulously detailing the rampant financial fraud that has been poisoning our economy for the last century, and what is to be done about it. “The Con” took a simple but revolutionary approach to explaining the epidemic of elite fraud driving the great financial crisis of 2007-2008.
The New Untouchables presents the heroes, one at a time, who sought to prevent it and hold the elite predators accountable. ”The Con” deconstructs the largest criminally engineered heist and cover up in history with no high level convictions of the Wall Street Execs. The system we’re experiencing has spun completely out of control. The Corruption is what is driving the USS Titanic. It must end before it ends us.

S1:E1 – The Vaccine for Systemic Corruption
From Glass-Steagall to Dodd-Frank, hear what the billionaire class and the Federal Government have done to undermine those efforts and what work is left to be done.

S1:E2 – The Pecora Files: It’s Theft
Steve, Eric and Patrick connect with former Ohio Attorney General Marc Dann and retired detective Tom Murphy. They reflect on the lessons of their historic fraud investigation and RICO prosecution of Ohio-based predatory lenders in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis.

S1:E3 – The Pecora Files: If You Can Fog A Mirror
Steve, Eric and Patrick hear West Virginia real estate appraiser Lori Noble’s tales from the front lines.
In the second part of this episode, Michael Winston, former Countrywide executive talks about how his career took a giant U-turn and the lonely, yet important nobility of being a whistleblower.

S1:E4 – The Pecora Files: Inside the Belly of the Beast
Steve, Eric and Patrick are joined by William K. Black who reveals the curious case of Richard Bowen, former Citigroup VP and whistleblower, who blew the cover off the motherlode of fraudulent mortgages being sold through Citi.