New Economic Perspectives
MMP Blog #28: Government Spending with Self-Imposed Constraints
Even if the government ties its hands behind its back and its shoes together, it makes no difference – the balance sheets still balance.
MMP Blog #27: What about a country that adopts a foreign currency? Part One
A country might choose to use a foreign currency for domestic policy purposes. Here, however, we are examining a nation that does not issue a currency at all.
MMP Blog #26: Sovereign Currency and Government Policy in the Open Economy
A country that floats its exchange rate can enjoy domestic policy independence and free capital flows. A country that pegs its exchange rate must choose to regulate capital flows or must abandon domestic policy independence.
Blog Responses: Retrospective on MMT
There was one substantive and flawed comment on the MMT Retrospective, so I will deal with that here.
MMT: A Doubly Retrospective Analysis
We must have fundamental reform and MMT shines a light on the path we need to take. Randy Wray’s keynote speech at the 2011 CofFEE Conference.
MMP Blog #25: Currency Solvency and the Special Case of the US Dollar
We will look to the frequent claim that the US is “special”—while it might be able to run persistent government deficits and trade deficits, other countries cannot.