Economic Justice
Economic Justice is not about money, it’s about the equitable distribution of real resources.
MMT is Reality
Steven D. Grumbine
Diagnosing economic problems without MMT as a guidepost is like a guy who stayed at a Holiday Inn pretending to…
Podcast Episodes
Episode 304 – Facing Uncomfortable Truths with Yeva Nersisyan
MMT economist Yeva Nersisyan talks with Steve about the 2024 US election, neoliberalism, and the economic conditions of the working class.
Episode 297 – Exposing the Titans of Capital with Peter Phillips
Political sociologist Peter Phillips talks about his book, Titans of Capital: How Concentrated Wealth Threatens Humanity.
Episode 294 – Euthanizing Rentier Capitalism with Daniel Conceição
Daniel Conceição is back to discuss rentier capitalism and how MMT’s insights might address be used to counter the damage.