Economic Justice

Economic Justice

Economic Justice is not about money, it’s about the equitable distribution of real resources.


The Illusion of Upward Mobility

The Illusion of Upward Mobility

Steven D. Grumbine

There is no real entrée into the world of the elite, but you won’t know it until you arrive, exhausted,…

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How Banks Create Money When They Lend

How Banks Create Money When They Lend

Charlie Silva

It is up to academics and informed lay-people alike to alter the understanding of banking in the public consciousness.

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It’s Time to Call it What It Is - A Capitalism-Induced Ecological Crisis

It’s Time to Call it What It Is – A Capitalism-Induced Ecological Crisis

Erin McCarley

Let’s be clear— this isn’t about voting. This is about building a revolution— an international solidarity movement big enough to…

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Podcast Episodes

Ep 304 Yeva Nersisyan

Episode 304 – Facing Uncomfortable Truths with Yeva Nersisyan

MMT economist Yeva Nersisyan talks with Steve about the 2024 US election, neoliberalism, and the economic conditions of the working class.

Episode 297 - Exposing the Titans of Capital with Peter Phillips

Episode 297 – Exposing the Titans of Capital with Peter Phillips

Political sociologist Peter Phillips talks about his book, Titans of Capital: How Concentrated Wealth Threatens Humanity.

Episode 294 - Euthanizing Rentier Capitalism with Daniel Conceição

Episode 294 – Euthanizing Rentier Capitalism with Daniel Conceição

Daniel Conceição is back to discuss rentier capitalism and how MMT’s insights might address be used to counter the damage.

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