Economic Justice
Economic Justice is not about money, it’s about the equitable distribution of real resources.
Bernanke’s 29 Trillion Dollar Fog of Deceit
L. Randall Wray
It is certain that no government anywhere, ever, has committed so much to benefit so few.
Landlord Elegy
John Siener
A poetic tribute to the suffocating infestation known as the rentier class.
The Green New Deal Will Prevent Inflation
Roger Gest
Not having a Green New Deal, however, could result in devastating cost-push (left finger) inflation.
Podcast Episodes
Episode 286 – Modern Monetary Theory and the European Project with Dirk Ehnts
Steve talks to Dirk Ehnts about his new book on MMT. They discuss the failures of inflation targeting, and the impact of the BRICS rise.
Episode 284 – How the West was Lost with Thomas Fazi
Author and journalist Thomas Fazi on the disaster that is the European project, US domination of geopolitics and more.