Your Money or Your Life
The function of government itself once it’s privatized is to make money for the donor class, which is basically the financial class and the monopoly class that finance creates.
The function of government itself once it’s privatized is to make money for the donor class, which is basically the financial class and the monopoly class that finance creates.
Frauds and hucksters have always relied on false dichotomies and thought-terminating cliches to misdirect the attention of their audience from more appealing alternatives.
Only a unified policy implemented simultaneously across all states and territories can get the job done, and only the federal government with its power to deficit spend can pull it off.
There really is only one way to go, and we can only get there by all rowing in the same direction at the same time and forcing the federal government to enact, and fully fund, single-payer healthcare – Medicare For All.
Stated-based programs face many pitfalls that National Improved Medicare for All would not.