Macro N Cheese
A podcast that critically examines the working-class struggle through the lens of Modern Monetary Theory. Host Steve Grumbine, founder of Real Progressives, provides incisive political commentary and showcases grassroots activism. Join us for a robust, unfiltered exploration of economic issues that impact the working class, as we challenge the status quo and prioritize collective well-being over profit. This is comfort food for the mind, fueling our fight for justice and equity!
Macroeconomics for the People!
Episode Quick Ref List
A quick ‘n dirty list of all the episode titles to easily find the one you want.
Latest Episodes

Episode 309 – Brick by BRICS with Yan Liang
Yan Liang, an expert on MMT and the political economy of China, talks about BRICS, the weaponizing of the US dollar, and new possibilities for shifting the global balance of power.

Episode 308 – Working Class MMT with Bill Mitchell
Economist Bill Mitchell talks with Steve about MMT and the importance of understanding the power mechanisms of class.

Episode 307 – Rights for Machines? AI’s Ethical Future with James Boyle
Steve talks with Duke law professor James Boyle about his new book, The Line: AI and the Future of Personhood.

Episode 306 – China: Challenging Dollar Dominance with Paul Gambles
Paul Gambles looks at the implications of China’s recent issuance of US dollar-denominated sovereign bonds in Saudi Arabia, challenging US dollar hegemony and reshaping global finance dynamics.