An Alternative Meme for Money, Part 5: A Spending Meme
Wherever this flag’s flown, We take care of our own. 🎵 Progressives need a new meme for money. This series is addressed to them.
Wherever this flag’s flown, We take care of our own. 🎵 Progressives need a new meme for money. This series is addressed to them.
Let us continue to develop an alternative frame for money. As you know, MMT says that “taxes drive money”. Let’s develop that further.
The attacks on MMT are taking a comical turn. Don’t miss this rebuttal complete with an AMAZING list of reference links.
Predictions of doom are really based on provisions in law that Congress can change at any time.
Let’s start telling the truth about Social Security. We are educators. So let’s educate people on the basic facts.