Economic Justice

Economic Justice

Economic Justice is not about money, it’s about the equitable distribution of real resources.


Taxes For Revenue Are Obsolete

Taxes for Revenue are Obsolete

Real Progressives

“All federal taxes must meet the test of public policy and practical effect. The public purpose which is served should…

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Why Government Spending Can’t Turn the U.S. Into Venezuela

Fadhel Kaboub

When poor countries fall prey to inflation, it’s not because they’re “too socialist.” The ris­ing pop­u­lar­i­ty of mod­ern mon­e­tary the­o­ry…

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The ABC Act, Platinum Coins, & Seigniorage

The ABC Act, Platinum Coins, & Seigniorage

Roger Gest

The Automatic BOOST to Communities (ABC) Act, introduced by Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib with the support of Congresswoman Jayapal as well as economist and lawyer,…

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Podcast Episodes

Episode 266 - Les Milei with Daniel Conceição

Episode 266 – Les Milei with Daniel Conceição

Daniel Conceição discusses Argentine President Milei’s disastrous austerity policies and the dangers of macroeconomic illiteracy.

Episode 264 - Deconstructing the Colonial Archetype with Fadhel Kaboub

Episode 264 – Deconstructing the Colonial Archetype with Fadhel Kaboub

Economist Fadhel Kaboub talks about Africa and the global South, including issues of external debt, food deficits, energy deficits, and manufacturing deficits.

Episode 262 - How Are We Going to Pay for It? with Geoff Ginter, Rohan Grey, and Yeva Nersisyan

Episode 262 – How Are We Going to Pay for It? with Geoff Ginter, Rohan Grey, and Yeva Nersisyan

A panel on MMT’s answer to the question “how will we pay for Medicare for All?” Geoff Ginter, activist and healthcare worker; Yeva Nersisyan, an associate professor of economics; Rohan Grey, an assistant professor of Law.