A Hyperinflation Hyperventilator Cannot Be Reasoned With

A Hyperinflation Hyperventilator Cannot Be Reasoned With

Steven D. Grumbine

Look… if you come to an economic discussion and say Weimar Germany, Venezuela and Zimbabwe, I immediately place you in the remedial section.

Sadly, the people that go there tend to be very proud people.

Wrong as they can be, there is little reason to enter into debate.

Hyperinflation starts way before the “printing” of money.

But it just shows a person given to hyperbole, faith without evidence, and an unwavering commitment to peddling doom.

You can show Weimar Germany was strapped with debt denominated in French Francs. You can show the productive capacity of the nation had been decimated by the war and penalties imposed by the harsh Treaty of Versailles. You can demonstrate this and explain that printing money happened LONG after the hyperinflation occurred and they will refuse to pay attention. They will double down. There can be no confusion… a hyperinflation hyperventilator cannot be reasoned with.

You can show Zimbabwe was decimated by civil war and Mugabe snatching the farmlands away from the white farmers who had been producing the food for many years and understood the way the land worked. Production plummeted and demand overwhelmed supply. You can demonstrate this and explain that printing money happened LONG after the hyperinflation occurred and they will refuse to pay attention. They will double down. There can be no confusion… a hyperinflation hyperventilator cannot be reasoned with.

Ah… Venezuela… a single export producing nation, political corruption. The death of one dictator and debt in foreign denominated currency while pegging their currency to the US dollar. Shocks in global oil production dropped the value and thus their ability to pay foreign debt and provide goods and services to their people. CIA meddling disrupted the flow of the government and the hyperinflation occurred far before the printing occurred. You can demonstrate this and explain that printing money happened LONG after the hyperinflation occurred and they will refuse to pay attention. They will double down. There can be no confusion… a hyperinflation hyperventilator cannot be reasoned with.

So forgive me when I skip the dance… I refuse to do the hyperinflation two-step. The River Dance of fake economics.

No… if you cannot take the time to read the MMT links and you complain about memes… or even links to articles I have written and published… then I have to move on past you and find fertile ground to plant the seeds.

We must not waste time and good karma on those who are simply unwilling to learn in good faith

Quite frankly… you are not worth the effort.

Come back to me when you are ready to talk in good faith.

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