Articles from Our Community
Sound Money
Cory Doctorow
The inflation hawks have a point: inflation is genuinely destabilizing. But where the inflation hawks go wrong is in blaming “money printing” for inflation.
The Emperor’s New Commodities
Jonathan Kadmon
Frauds and hucksters have always relied on false dichotomies and thought-terminating cliches to misdirect the attention of their audience from more appealing alternatives.
They’re Worried About The Spread Of Information, Not Disinformation
Caitlin Johnstone
..corporate media have increasingly taken to branding realities inconvenient to US information goals
Rohan Grey Introduces ECash
Roger Gest
Grey briefly discusses the history and nature of various money schemes, from tally sticks and various tokens up through phone minutes and cryptocurrencies.
Permanent Capital Captures Housing
Artemis Salisbury
Look at the organized workers of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) who collectivized and industrialized food production, and ended the seasonal famines that had plagued their countrymen for most of history.
Where to Start Learning About MMT
Steven D. Grumbine
Have you recently discovered MMT or Modern Monetary Theory and want to learn more but aren’t sure where to start? Well, start at the beginning, of course!
The Pied Piper of State Based Single Payer Initiatives
Jonathan Kadmon
Only a unified policy implemented simultaneously across all states and territories can get the job done, and only the federal government with its power to deficit spend can pull it off.
The National Debt and Other Red Herrings
Jonathan Kadmon
Discussions of inflation are often laden with an air of superstition and moral panic. Like all such things they can only persist in the face of misunderstanding and rumor.
Single Payer “State by State”? No. Here’s why…
Geoff Ginter
There really is only one way to go, and we can only get there by all rowing in the same direction at the same time and forcing the federal government to enact, and fully fund, single-payer healthcare – Medicare For All.
When Will America Declare War on Climate-Change?
A declaration of war is a legal framework that sets in motion a process of “mobilization” in which the national government directs real resources—labor, engineering expertise, technology, material—toward the goal of defeating an enemy threat.