Articles from Our Community

Where Does A Bullet Go?

Where Does A Bullet Go?

Roger Gest

We need to slash our obscenely large and lethal military, but cutting military spending means less money entering our communities.
Taxes Don’t Fund Federal Spending

Taxes Don’t Fund Federal Spending

Steven D. Grumbine

Our federal government doesn’t need revenue. So why the chatter about how will the government get money to fund its operations?
Your Money or Your Life

Your Money or Your Life

Real Progressives

The function of government itself once it’s privatized is to make money for the donor class, which is basically the financial class and the monopoly class that finance creates.
“Debt” Ceilings for Dummies

“Debt” Ceilings for Dummies

Roger Gest

Beautifully simple are a sovereign nation’s sectoral balances. They readily demonstrate that the government’s negative is the public’s positive, and vice versa.
Cryptocurrency : the Medium IS the Scam

Cryptocurrency : the Medium IS the Scam

Roger Gest

In a piece titled “Cryptocurrency: Don’t Blame the Medium for the Scam,” libertarian Counterpunch contributor Thomas Knapp wholly misunderstands the nature of money and cryptocurrency. 
The Illusion of Upward Mobility

The Illusion of Upward Mobility

Steven D. Grumbine

There is no real entrée into the world of the elite, but you won’t know it until you arrive, exhausted, at the locked door, chased by all the angry working people who think you’ve found the key.
Comparative Analysis of Modern Monetary Theory and Textbook Economics

Comparative Analysis of Modern Monetary Theory and Textbook Economics

Rishabh Balamitran

The current economic framework within which policy is developed seems incapable of addressing climate change. Even policymakers who acknowledge the magnitude of the problem are avoiding real solutions, not knowing how solutions can be funded.
US health insurers get more and more federal funding, deliver less and less care

US health insurers get more and more federal funding, deliver less and less care

Cory Doctorow

The American healthcare system is the worst of all possible worlds. Unlike every other wealthy country, the US leaves its health insurance to the private sector, where your health and your life are a distant second to shareholder profits.
How Banks Create Money When They Lend

How Banks Create Money When They Lend

Charlie Silva

It is up to academics and informed lay-people alike to alter the understanding of banking in the public consciousness.
It’s Time to Call it What It Is – A Capitalism-Induced Ecological Crisis

It’s Time to Call it What It Is – A Capitalism-Induced Ecological Crisis

Erin McCarley

Let’s be clear— this isn’t about voting. This is about building a revolution— an international solidarity movement big enough to take on and replace global capitalism.